Upper Neuse River Basin Association.Management Plan Update


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Table of Contents

Upper Neuse River Basin Association.Management Plan Update

PPT Slide

Upper Neuse Management Priorities

PPT Slide

Key Causes of Impairment

Purpose of Baseline Analysis

PPT Slide

Upper Neuse Land Use

Upper Neuse Future Conditions:.Undeveloped vs. Developed

Impact of Projected Growth

Stressors Addressed in Modeling

Read this note before interpreting the next slide:

Drinking Water Impairment:.Estimated Chlorophyll a vs. Guideline1

Challenge Meeting Standard: Nitrogen Loading vs. NSW Reduction Requirement1

Phosphorus Loading: Lake Rogers Watershed

Phosphorus Loading: Lake Michie Watershed

Phosphorus Loading: Little River Watershed

Phosphorus Loading: Lake Butner Watershed

Phosphorus Loading: Lake Ben Johnston Watershed

Phosphorus Loading: Falls Lake Watershed

Potential Impairment:.Existing

Potential Impairment:.2025

Potential Impairment: Buildout - Low

Potential Impairment:.Buildout - High

Other Key Stressors




Key Causes of. Potential Impairment

Focusing Management Efforts

Five Management Approaches

Next Steps (by January 2001?)